Online Learning

The Stylish Communicator

Are poor communication and personality clashes a problem in your team?

Do you find some team members are more challenging to work? Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to develop respect and trust with some colleagues? Do you wish you could communicate better with people who aren’t like you?

the stylish communicator

The Stylish Communicator is perfect for anyone working in a team. Participants learn:

  • How personality differences act as a barrier to communication.
  • Recognise that everyone’s perception of good communication is different.
  • Identify how their personality creates their style for communication.
  • Understand other team members’ personalities and the way they communicate
  • Strategies to communicate with people even when their personality is different
  • Develop an action plan to work more effectively with a specific colleague.

Teams bring together people with different backgrounds, values, personalities, and communication styles. That should be a good thing, but often it isn’t.

When people don’t have the skills and willingness to work with all those personalities:

  • Team members bicker about petty things
  • Results and morale suffer
  • Your best people get frustrated and start looking for other opportunities
  • Cliches form with people whose personalities are similar banding together
  • Some team members get excluded and find it hard to contribute to the team
  • People are labelled in negative ways which creates resentment


When team members have strong interpersonal skills and high self-awareness, they can communicate, even with people who have very different personalities. This allows them to talk about differences, resolve conflicts and achieve common goals. They are more productive and team morale is higher.

In this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • An individual log-in so the course can be self-paced
  • A downloadable workbook
  • 9 videos that help participants understand their own communication style, how other people’s styles can be different (without being wrong), and ways to adapt and work together
  • An action plan to improve communication with a specific team member
  • Register ten or more team members and we include a complimentary one hour online workshop with one of our expert facilitators (perfect to help team members problem solve and apply what they learn)
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