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Face to Face or Online Presentation for your Organisation

Demystify & Transform Your Workplace Culture

The Presentation

Demystifying & Transforming Your Workplace Culture

This 90-minute online workshop is designed for leadership teams to participate together - at the department, division or organisational level - and provides a strategic framework to help you transform the workplace culture you have into the workplace culture you want.

Most organisations are overwhelmed by their workplace culture. They don't know where to start working on it - and when they get started, they get lost on the journey. This workshop will help your team:

Understand what workplace culture is and how it works - in simple terms

Quantify and communicate your ideal culture

Examine the gap between the real and ideal culture and identify the fundamental causes for that gap

Develop a framework for transforming culture in a strategic way

Assess the workplace culture you actually have

Prioritise solutions to close the gap and anticipate and deal with any roadblocks and resistance

"You have created something extremely special, and you present it in a way that is tailored to your audience, that is easy to understand and uses real life examples to explain and back up the evidence. The information has been invaluable to me personally as a leader, to help drive this change within the organisation"
Practice Manager, Melbourne VIC

Why do we offer this presentation?

We are passionate
about helping organisations create the workplace cultures they want
We believe that people 
deserve great workplaces where they have the opportunity to do their best, to be happy, to make a difference and to feel connected.

We believe that workplaces
deserve great people and should have the expectation that people bring their best selves to work each day.

"An incredibly generous sharing of knowledge and wisdom,
delivered in an easily accessible and well thought out format"
Senior Manager, Hobart TAS

Blog Post

Demystifying & Transforming Your Workplace Culture

‘I need you to fix my people, can you do that?’

‘Sure, but let’s start by talking about what you feel is wrong with them.’

This conversation is played out every week – usually multiple times – in our offices. A frustrated manager calls us because things just aren’t going as expected. Sometimes it is people who don’t get along – but won’t do anything to fix it. It might be teams that are dysfunctional, team members with low morale and who perform poorly, or people who don’t meet expectations no matter how many times they have been spoken to…