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Being Purpose-Driven with Miguel Diaz, CEO of Parkinson's Queensland

In this episode we chat to Miguel Diaz, CEO of Parkinsons Australia.

Join us as we uncover the secrets to creating a thriving workplace culture in the age of remote work, and unlock the potential of purpose-driven organisations. Our insightful discussion will leave you with valuable insights on how to balance financial sustainability with mission-driven success, and how to navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with working for a greater cause.

Change is inevitable, and it’s never been more important to master the art of change management. Miguel shares his experiences on how to bring people on board with new initiatives, create buy-in, and leverage purpose-driven motivations to power your team through uncertain times. Discover the resilience he gained from the pandemic and how striving for positive change can make a lasting impact.

Miguel talks us through how we  shift, rather than pivot. He talks us through the  power of planting your foot and changing direction without losing sight of your goals.

We are so grateful for Miguel’s time, and listeners can connect with him on Linked In here

For more resources, check out our website, and find inspiration to fuel your journey towards a high performing culture of Authenticity.

Want to check out how Authentic your organisation is? Take our free online Authentimeter Assessment tool here

Listen to the full episode here.

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Got a question for the Podcast? You can drop us a voice message via instagram or email us at: authenticity@reallearning.com.au

Thanks to our Podcasting producer, Josh at Deadset Podcasting for all his work behind the scenes.

Thanks for listening!
